Welcome to the Twin City Amateur Radio Club
The Twin City Amateur Radio Club (TCARC) is the Champaign Urbana ham radio club. The club sponsors the K9CU repeaters on 146.760 and on 444.1 (tones are 162.2). Also, the club sponsors the W9YR D-Star Repeater on 443.48125.
TCARC members participate in many facets of the Amateur Radio hobby.
The club offers ARRL amateur radio license exams quarterly. Exams are held at the Fire Service Institute. Exams are also held at special events. For information about exams, please contact Debbie Fligor N9DN or email the club.
Our club meetings are held at 7:00 pm on the second Tuesday of every month except July and August. Regular meetings are held at the Fire Service Institute located on Gerty drive in Champaign. Gerty is a side street west off of First Street just north of Windsor Ave. The UI Credit Union is on the corner, the Fire Service Institue is the last building on the south of the street.
The club hosts the Champaign County 2meter Net at 9:00 PM CT every Thursday night on the K9CU 146.760 repeater. For anyone wishing to take a turn at being net control for the the net, please send an email to tcarc@sdf.org to make a request and/or get more details. The net control script is found here (pdf) (docx).
TCARC participates in Field Day the fourth weekend in June each year. Contact the club for more details.
You may contact us by email at tcarc@sdf.org